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About US

WellRays is a group of healthcare professionals from various alternative medicine systems. Our Objective is to give user friendly mobile and web application to resolve people’s day to day health problems without side effect and to bring wellness. There are many alternative therapies available in the world. Acupressure is the most common ancient practice for first aid , prevention and cure. Also, it is self-assistance therapy. We have decided to provide an application on Acupressure as a first step, which should be useful for the humanity without any restriction for their complete wellness. We are glad to bring this application to you. Even you can apply these techniques as an additional remedy if you are undergoing other treatment. We certain that you will be amazed by the result and guidance of this application. Please share this application to your friends and family circle. Let the benefit can be spread across. Looking forward your support. All the content and assets in this application are belongs to WellRays team. This application or content should not be used for commercial purpose without confirmation or approval from WellRays.

How acupressure works

Acupressure is a therapy developed over 5,000 years ago as an important aspect of Asian, especially Chinese medicine. In India, such therapis are exists in the name of "Varma", especially south side of India. In Acupressure, meridians are invisible energy pathways or channels that run through the body. Our vital life energy flows along these meridians. and Any disrupts the smooth flow life energy is said to cause illness or disease. Activation of these points with pressure (or needles) can improve blood flow, release tension/barriers, and enhance or unblock life-energy. This release allows energy to flow more freely through the meridians, promoting relaxation, healing and the restoration of proper function.

Acupressure is one of an alternative medicine which can be used as supportive therapy along with other medical system to speed up the recovery.

What we do for our Users?

AcuBestCare provides credible information about relevant acupressure points for the selected disease or symptom or meridian. In general, users are searching a right acupressure point over internet when they need across many sites. We have collated the complete details and one stop solution to find right point based on your needs. We are committed to improving our application. We will continue to publish more contents and services to help you to lead your life happily using such alternative medicine therapies which can be done for self or others. We certain that this application fulfils your quick need for wellness. Please feel free to contact us by email for any enquires , improvements and suggestions.